The story behind Tzedakah

How can we make this world a better place? A place to live and thrive in harmony?

A starting point can be what in the Jewish tradition is called ‘chesed’, an act of loving kindness.
The key essence of Bruce Naigles sculpture is reminding us of the love we must show our fellow man/women.

The sculpture, Tzedakah shows the closing of the circle by the right hand giving to the left, symbolising giving, kindness, and love.

It’s important to ask ourselves why there is a need in the first place. To answer that we have to search deeper in the root word Tzedek, which asks us to pursue and work towards a more just world, or else injustice will continue to be perpetuated.

The dismantling of a broken system, striving for equality and self-sustainability is the highest form of Tzedakah.